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23rd Feb '24  · no location
Hmmm, anyone here from Reddit?
I’m so confused
Ok I get it.

Join the groups for the stations that you want updates for.
Enable notifications.

And I can now also vent my frustration here anonymously! This is pretty fun. Hope it takes off.
23rd Feb '24
It works!!!! Amazing. Thanks.
23rd Feb '24
Great notifications enabled for both iOS and Telegram! Now just waiting for some delays! Shouldn’t take too long.
23rd Feb '24
Click on notifications and click on your notification type of choice.

If you're on iOS, you need to add the website to your home screen as a bookmark and then enable notifications (because Apple!).

For android and web browser, just click on enable notifications and you're good to go.
23rd Feb '24  ·  sanjay
No, I get it now, I can see my local tube stations Woodford and Roding Valley and have joined them. How do I get notifications on my phone for status updates/delays?
23rd Feb '24
Welcome user! What's the confusion?
23rd Feb '24  ·  sanjay
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