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23rd Feb '24  · Mask Asks?  · no location
I added a mask from my house but every time I go to look at it, the location keeps changing. I get you don’t want to show my exact location but could you not just add some random to my location when I create a post and then show that random locatio ... more
sanjay ·  22nd Feb '24  · Announcements  · no location
Oh hi there!
You can now create masks un-anonymously. I'm Sanjay! Hello.
22nd Feb '24  · Mask Asks?  · no location
Strange request, but
Can we have the ability to create a Mask un-anonymously? Maybe give a little extra of that sweet Karma for the brave ones who reveal their true selves?
sanjay ·  22nd Feb '24  · Announcements  · no location
Getting there …
Not long now until we’re ready to launch.

Photo gallery ✅
Notifications ✅
Self promotion ✅

Just need to slap a map on adverts, do some user admin and we’re good to go! See you soon Maskers.
20th Feb '24  · London Underground  · no location
Good service in the Central Line this morning. That was entirely unexpected.
20th Feb '24  · Bancrofts Preparatory School  · no location
It’s like the shitty wing of Hogwarts
18th Feb '24  · Chigwell Sports and Wellness Centre  · no location
This place is amazing!
First swimming lesson. So clean.
16th Feb '24  · Mask General Chat  · no location
Apple Killing PWAs
How will this impact notifications on Mask?? Are developers working on alternatives? Maybe a native app?
15th Feb '24  · London Underground  · no location
This is interesting
“The Central line needs 77 trains to operate a full service with a train every couple of minutes. Unfortunately, at the moment it is operating using 50 or so.”
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